If you'd like to buy railway ticket in book-office, you should know the following information:
- date and time of departure
- number of persons and age (if you'd like to take child discount)
- type of car (see explanation of cars types)
- departure station (where you leave) and arrival station (where you'd like to be)
- passport (adult document) and \ or children birth certificate (or passport)
Take into account, that most of book-offices not equipped by POS-terminals to accept credit cards.
That's why you should prepare cash (Russian rubles (RUR) - for Russia, or Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH) for Ukraine).
- if you have only credit card - try to find nearest money access machine (usually on each large
railway station located from 1 to 10 different machines). Don't forget about
withdrawal of money interests
- if you have some cash, for example USD or EUR, you should find Exchange office (small offices to exchange
money by commercial rate of exchange)
Attention: Please don't try to exchange you money by any suspicious persons. It's dangerous.
money access machine |
exchange office |
Average comparative price:
Bun - about 0,2 USD
Average railway ticket price from Moscow to Saint - Petersburg (650 km.)
- Lux (1st class) - about 52 USD
- 2nd class - about 24 USD
- 3thd class - about 8 USD
Dinner in train restaurant - about 15 USD
1 night apartment in hotel (3 - 4 star) - about 50 USD
Generally, you can find apartments on each large railway station. As a rule it's near station Hotels (in Russian - "Privokzalniy Hotel") or special furnished rooms in railway station.
You can find out information about city hotels from inquiry office at railway station.
Attention: You should have passport to check in.
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