Search of trains

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  Our site "Your Train" allows to receive the information about full detailed route of movement of passenger trains of the CIS. The information on movement of a train includes the name of all stations where the train stops, an arrival time, stops and departures of a train, distance into km. between stations and also time spent on trip. In addition you learn type of a train (fast, firm, passenger), number of a train, the beginning and the end of a route.

  To receive the information about necessary train, you should know its number which gets out of results of the schedule on station or search of routes on main page. For this purpose it is necessary to enter number of a train (as link), for example "008L". The letter after number of a train is the service information, which defines an accessory of a train to the railway.
  To receive the information on trains run periodicity press the "Dates" link - thus you receive the information on movement of a train for all year. X mark define run day , blank cell - no train at this time.
  For preparation of page for printing choose "Print" (to provide print-version of search result).
  Press "Help" link if you would like to get help about topic

  In our search system we provide cross-links to change from a route of a train to the station schedule. Just press on any stations in a route of movement of a train to work.
  You can find out how long will take you trip by last column information in a route of a train which shows number days of journey.
  In addition our system carries out the improved search of trains with days periodicity calculation. For example, a train Moscow - Vladivostok will runs more than 5 days. Now our system traces transition between days in timetable from station of departure.
  Also in the new version of the project search of trailer cars are carried out. Those cars type have a special letter designation and abbreviation type "tr.".

2000 - 2025 «Your Train» - - Russian and CIS trains timetable!